MunchiesNewsNews ReleasesTaiwan

Made in Taiwan by Clarissa Wei scheduled for Mid-Autumn Festival 2023 release

The first ever English language Taiwanese cookbook is going to hit bookstore shelves on September 29th, 2023 – Taiwan’s national holiday for the annual Mid-Autumn Festival.

The Made in Taiwan cookbook, written by Clarissa Wei, has been a long time coming.

In her announcement of preorder availability on her website, Wei wrote:

“The book celebrates the island nation’s unique culinary identity—despite a refusal by the Chinese government to recognize its sovereignty. It contains deeply researched essays and more than 100 recipes inspired by the people who live in Taiwan today. You’ll learn how to make stinky tofu from scratch, how U.S. aid changed Taiwan’s food scene, and get broth tips from a five-time award-winning beef noodle soup master.”

I for one, am looking forward to making stinky tofu and bawan from scratch, scoping out seaweed recipes, and generally nerding out about the food of my people.

Who’s behind Made in Taiwan?

Wei made sure to shoutout the all Taiwanese team behind the book:

“Shot and written entirely in Taiwan by an all-Taiwanese team. Recipes developed by Ivy Chen. Styling and photography by Yen Wei and Ryan Chen. Research by Wu Xin-Yun.

Where can I buy signed copies of Made in Taiwan?

Signed copies of Made in Taiwan are available from Omnivore SF or Now Serving LA. Here’s a protip. the preorder of an unsigned book is the same price as a preorder of a signed book. To me, it’s a no brainer as to which one I’ll buy. Coincidentally, the signed copies are only available from local bookstores. I’d rather buy my book from them than Amazon, anyhu. But that’s an option, too!

Featured image from

made in taiwan by clarissa wei book pre order date announcement by caleb chen

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Caleb Chen

Founder of The Highest Critic Unpaid /r/trees mod Certified Ganjier Kine bud enthusiast

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