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Cultivar Review: D1 by Greendawg Cultivators

D1 ⛽️⛽️ by @greendawgcultivators @jasewinduu @barneyhasagreendawg @greendawgca

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Lineage/Genetics: Unknown

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: Greendawg Cultivators

Terpene Profile/Chemovar: Unknown

D1 Cannabis Cultivar (“Strain”) Review

d1 by greendawg cultivators strain review by jointswithjalen

D1 has a complex and layered aroma, blending floral, earthy, gassy, starchy, sour, and sharp notes. It carries strong diesel, pine, and metallic undertones with a funky richness. Upon breaking it down, the scent intensifies, revealing a piney, sour, earthy, and gassy profile with floral and slightly nutty hints. The aroma resembles a more floral and gassy version of lemongrass.

On the inhale, D1 delivers a floral, earthy, gassy, and rich piney taste with subtle rubber notes. The exhale brings out a zesty, earthy gas with diesel, sour, starchy, piney, and funky rubber characteristics. The smoke is smooth yet thick, providing excellent lung expansion. The joint burned clean, producing white ash and a noticeable oil ring, with the flavor transferring seamlessly from smell to taste.

Additionally, the taste lingers, coating the palate. The high is euphoric, uplifting, and relaxing while maintaining a clear-headed and focused sensation. It begins with a light, airy feeling in the head, almost as if it’s floating. This is followed by a heaviness behind the eyes, making them feel low and weighted. A pleasant tingling sensation spreads through the body, relaxing muscles and nerves while clearing the mind.

Despite the body relaxation, there’s a noticeable sense of upliftment and mental brightness, making D1 an excellent choice for a morning or mid-day smoke. Rating: 8.9/10

d1 by greendawg cultivators strain review by jointswithjalen 2

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