Cultivar Review: Murakami Pops by Lifestylez Co
Murakami Pop
EYES – 8/10
NOSE – 8/10
SMOKE – 8/10
Lineage/Genetics: Unknown
Original Breeder: Lifestylez Co
Grower: Lifestylez Co
Terpene Profile/Chemovar: Unknown
Murakami Pop Cannabis Cultivar (“Strain”) Review

Come on gang you know they did good with this kit just like they be doing with all the others. Nobody doing it like this, they created a space for their self in the packaging game with this shit in my opinion. The box is fire 🔥🔥 supe graphic, very descriptive and everything is easy to read and clear. No blurry print or anything. The feel of this box is different too, I can’t describe it tho. Ima find out the type box this is so yall can get a better understanding but if you had this brand before then you know exactly what I’m talking about.
The nose on this was great gang. As soon as I took the top off this jar I was smacked in the face with a gassy aroma 😤 when I went to take a sniff I got those heavy citrus notes mixed with that gassy smell and gang that shit is loud yu hear me✅ this one of them jawns where if yu got it on yu next to somebody they gonna know that yu smoke that pressure. The buds were beautiful gang, that light green color I love to see, it’s something about that look that gives me a hint about how that shit might smoke. Hints of purple flower In between there and that layer of trichomes is like the cherry on top.
The smoke was 🔥🔥 really was happy with this jawn gang ngl. A nice smooth smoke with a slight kick on the backend of the inhale. No nasty ass taste or nothing shit tase clean fr ✅ I like how this shit is smoking I have had lifestylez since Harley Quinn and joker. The exhale out the nose was just perfect gang I couldn’t ask for any better taste. When that shit tickles my nose on the exhale and make me sneeze instantly. I know that the shit really is some good smoke. The high was definitely more head than body. I love a good head high but to the body is where I fall in love. I couldn’t really pin point an exact taste on this for yall gang is was definitely on the sweet and gassy side tho. 100% will pick this up again but I doubt it. Shit was limited 😤 if yu get a chance to score don’t wait till it’s too late
My honest personal opinion. Never any hate to any brands. 🤝🏾💐


My personal opinion 🤔😤
I only use backwoods. Vanilla or Sweet Aromatic
Drop a review in the comments if you had it or want to try it 💐