
420 Hippie Hill 2023 to feature King of Z Hill competition + Official Documentary

Hippie Hill at Golden Gate Park has been ongoing for so long – but 2023 is going to have two new things: A King of Z Hill competition and an official documentary. With the historic Hippie Hill 420 celebration in its second year back since pandemic hiatus, the historic Robin Williams Meadow will play host to a King of Z Hill cannabis flower and rosin competition. Thousands of people smoking all at once. The largest free cannabis event in the United States if not the world. It’s not the only cannabis event, there’s also 420 Skunk Train up north, and pretty much every area with any culture therefore has cannabis culture and 4/20 events. Whether its homies on the couch or people partaking in public, 4/20 is a day where the forecast always calls for hazy weather. What: When: 10:00AM to 5:00PM on 4/20/23 Where: Robin Williams Meadow @ Golden Gate Park Who: You if you can make it Why: 420

Celebrating 420 with intent

“What we’re doing with 420 Hippie Hill. Celebrating 420 with Intent” – Alex Aquino “We’re trying to change the narrative of 420 to stay conscious of your mental health awareness” – @alexaquino “It’s a medicine, right?!? Even if you taking it as recreational it’s always a medicine” – @alexaquino

The King of Z Hill Cannabis Competition

3rd Gen Family Farm is putting on a cannabis competition on Hippie Hill titled King of Z Hill. He posted:
“I’m doing a “king of z hill” competition at Hippie Hill SF on 420. Winner takes all. Cash prize. $40,000.”
More info coming soon. Follow the King of Z Hill instagram to get the latest. Who will be king of ze hill?

Hippie Hill Documentary

The whole thing will be documented by Jerome and Alex of Northbound Films. They posted:
“For the first time, Hippie Hill is filming a documentary to archive the experience for the ages.😮😮😮 Be part of the community and film this year at Robin Williams Meadow at Golden Gate Park, San Francisco.💯”
Come check it out in person if you can, or stay tuned to watch the video after if you can’t.
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Founder of The Highest Critic
Unpaid /r/trees mod
Certified Ganjier
Kine bud enthusiast

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Caleb Chen

Founder of The Highest Critic Unpaid /r/trees mod Certified Ganjier Kine bud enthusiast

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