NO on Measure A hosts Keep Farmers Farming Concert at Bayside Grange on Feb 10, 2024
[FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE] Humboldt County, CA – The Brett McFarland Band and DJ Goldylocks will throw a concert at Bayside Grange Saturday February 10th – brought to you by the No on Measure A committee to protect small farmers. The concert is called Keep Farmers Farming and doors open at 5PM for dinner and drinks. Brett McFarland and his band will go on at 7PM and DJ Goldylocks will start spinning at 9PM.
The Keep Farmers Farming concert will show Measure A proponents “how we do it in Humboldt” – if any of them actually exist
Stop by the Bayside Grange on February 10th to KEEP FARMERS FARMING
This is the second weekend in a row that the Brett McFarland band is performing these songs and the last show sold out, so suffice to say “Humboldt has become the marching song for resistance to Measure A and – hell – NIMBY politics in general.
If you’d like to chill out to some outlaw country while donating some green(backs) to make sure that out of touch community members don’t destroy the burgeoning legal cannabis industry in Humboldt County, come out for dinner and some music.
Haven’t heard Brett McFarland? Check out this song: