Hey You! Get Involved with “No HCRI” to Save Humboldt County Cultivators
Dear Canna-Community and Allies,
The No Humboldt Cannabis Restriction Initiative (HCRI) campaign is gaining momentum, thanks to your unwavering support. Our efforts are gathering steam as we identify allies, broaden our network, and strengthen our coalition. In recent months, we’ve focused on ensuring that the canna-community comprehends the full scope of the HCRI’s implications for all currently-permitted cannabis farms in Humboldt County:
The HCRI defines “expansion“ to include “an increase in the number or size of any structures used in connection with cultivation.“
Any “expansion“ under the HCRI triggers a requirement for Category 4 roads.
The HCRI prohibits “expansion” for any farms over 10,000 ft.²
The HCRI requires a discretionary review process for any “expansion“ on any farm over 3000 ft.²
The HCRI prohibits cultivators from obtaining additional permits for ancillary activities.
The HCRI, prohibits cultivators from holding “more than one active permit” approved after the effective date of the initiative.
The HCRI prohibits a cultivation permit from being issued, unless it’s for outdoor cultivation, mixed-light 1 cultivation, or nursery. Processing licenses are not permitted.
The HCRI amends the General Plan – the “constitution” governing all land use in the county – to state that all farms over 10,000 ft.² inherently “damage the environment and harm the community.”
The HCRI prohibits annual renewal of a cultivation permit, based on any outstanding complaint, regardless of whether the complaint has been validated.
The HCRI, redefines mixed light cultivation to include use of any structure, therefore increasing Measure S taxes.
The HCRI can only be amended by another ballot initiative.
By September, “No HCRI” will shift into a public and voter-centric phase. When the Election’s Office assigns the HCRI a “Measure___” designation early in September, we’ll embark on a comprehensive public campaign under the initiative’s new name. This timing ensures clarity for voters and minimizes confusion.
Join NoHCRI at Cannifest for the Yes We Cann Community Parade
March with us in the Yes We Cann Community Parade at Cannifest!
Join us on Sunday, September 10th, at 9 AM, at the Wharfinger Building in Eureka. Celebrate cannabis and farmer pride, all ages welcome. Bring your family, friendly pets, smiles, and pro-cannabis signs. This presents a critical opportunity to publicly showcase our community’s strength.
Hey You! Ways to Get Involved with NoHCRI
Regional Farmer Meet-Ups
Kneeland: June 29th
Willow Creek: August 11th
Arcata: August 22nd at Septentrio 5-7 PM
Garberville: August 24th at the old Cecil’s restaurant, 4-6 PM
Avenue of the Giants: September 13th
Salmon Creek: September 17th
Community Outreach: Volunteers are actively participating in events across the county. This Saturday, volunteers will be exhibiting at Bridgefest and the Whitethorn Fire Department Fundraiser. The PAC’s engagement at the Roll on the Mattole and Dazey’s Dayz was well-received. September will witness an escalation of voter outreach, as the Initiative gains its lettering. The PAC’s presence at Eureka’s Friday Night Market continues through October.
Financial Transparency: August saw the publication of financial disclosure forms (460’s) for both the HCRI and NoHCRI PACs on the county’s election website. Notably, The two primary proponents of the HCRI have contributed $53,100 of their own money to the cause, and they’ve spent $55,000 with their attorney Shute-Mihaly & Weinberg, a San Francisco law firm with a history of supporting anti-cannabis initiatives in Sonoma and Calaveras counties. In total the proponents of the HCRI have raised funds from seven people to finance the Initiative. In contrast, the NoHCRI PAC has secured over sixty unique contributions from farmers, community members, and businesses—totaling $39,000.
Fundraising Drive: Our mission demands collective efforts. Your past contributions are immensely appreciated. If you haven’t yet, please consider contributing now. To counter this detrimental initiative, we must convince 50.01% of voters to VOTE NO on Measure__ by March 5, 2024. Achieving this requires a minimum of $150,000 in funding for legal expenses, print and digital advertising, mailers, radio, and more.
Upcoming Event: Mark your calendars for Sunday, October 1st, at the Mateel Community Center
A night of laughter awaits with comedian Billy Wayne Davis and friends, brought to us thanks to Huckleberry Farms. Join us for a fundraiser to uplift spirits through humor.
Calling Volunteers: Are you willing to write Letters to the Editor, distribute posters or yard signs, table, or be a social media ambassador? Great, fill out this form. Starting January 2, 2024, we’ll initiate phone banking and neighborhood canvassing. Identifying voters is essential, followed by ensuring ballot return by March 5, 2024.
Follow the campaign on Instagram: @hcga_Humboldt and @NoHCRI.
Do you have suggestions or ideas for how to improve the campaign, want to get more involved? Let us know!
Together, let’s protect the future of small cannabis farmers in Humboldt. Your unwavering support fuels our cause.
The Committee to Protect Small Cannabis Farmers of Humboldt
Text and featured image from NoHCRI.com.

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