CBDCBD StrainsHempHemp FlowersReviews

CBD Strain Review: T1 by Skywalker Grows

Holy shit Batman! Look at this amazing specimen of high CBD hemp! I need to give a huge shoutout to @skywalkergrows for sending this over! This it the T1 and I’ve never seen T1 looking close to this pretty….or any hemp flower for that matter!

Grower: Skywalker Grows

T1 CBD Strain Review

This is the terpiest flower I’ve yet to smell and it has a crazy profile of tropical fruity gassy cheesy dankness! The smell is all over the place! I’m going to be fast tracking this review so keep your eyes open! 😁✌️🌲

After stressing and staying up all night working on meeting this deadline, my crohns symptoms are really playing up. Stress really does a number on me. When I feel like this I don’t even want to smoke but I forced myself to smoke a little because it sometimes helps with the intestinal trouble.

I have to say, this T1 by @skywalkergrows has been a life saver today. I know if I hadn’t forced myself to medicate I would be a hell of a lot worse off right now. I can definitely vouch for how well this flower helps with inflammation, it’s even helping to calm down the inflammation in my lower back that comes with the intense gut pain and tightness. Thanks again so much for the amazing flower @skywalkergrows, you are a god in the garden my friend! 😁✌️🌲
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