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Cultivar Review: Biskante by Alien Labs (2024)

Biskante πŸŠβ›½οΈ by @alienlabs
@returnofthealien @rockitneedspace

#Joints #element #smokesesh #handrolled #explore #smallbatch

Lineage/Genetics: Melonade x Biscotti #6

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: Alien Labs

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Biskante Cannabis Cultivar (“Strain”) Review

biskante 2024 by alien labs strain review by jointswithjalen

Biskante has a sweet citrus aroma mixed with funky gas and cream. It smells like a blend of orange zest and sweet cream. When you break it down, you get gas and fruit notes with undertones of citrus. On the inhale, it’s gassy, creamy, and funky with hints of fruit. On the exhale, you experience a sweet orange citrus funk with undertones of cream and gas.

The taste is reminiscent of biting into an orange with the skin still on or candied orange peel. The smoke is thick but smooth, providing excellent lung expansion. The high is euphoric, relaxing, and uplifting. When smoking, you feel a tingly sensation in your head and feel the high in behind your eyes. Your body starts to relax, almost feeling airy. Biskante relaxes both the body and mind, leaving you feeling uplifted and relaxed.

Overall, I would rate it an 8.3 out of 10. This review is brought to you by @alienlabs , I appreciate the blessing ✌🏾

biskante 2024 by alien labs strain review by jointswithjalen 2

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