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Cultivar Review: Elephant’s Breath by The Flower District

Elephant Breath🐘💨

By: The Flower District

Lineage/Genetics🧬: Not Released

Original Breeder: Unknown

Terpene Profile/Chemovar: Unknown

Elephant’s Breath Cannabis Cultivar (“Strain”) Review

elephants breath by the flower district strain review by eriksreviews 2

📋: 87.9%
Elephant Breath has an interesting profile that is pretty unique. When I open the bag, I’m getting notes of purple sweetness, with some hints of gelato. The nose is strong and it smells really good. When I break open the nugs, a surprising gassy permanent marker aroma comes out that is just like the PM strain. It kind of irritates the inside of your nose the same way the Permanent Marker strain does. Between the sweet upfront, and the gassy permanent marker post breakdown, it overall made for a unique aroma.
This strain had earthy flavors with light sweetness, and maybe light hints of peanuts and gas. It was kind of hard to pick up the flavor as the smoke was pretty thick and powerful but the exhale is very clean and smooth with a good amount of heavy lung expansion. I definitely will try to pick this up again to get a better review on the flavor. Sometimes I feel like an eighth is just not enough to really get a solid and accurate review.
When it comes to the effects, this strain definitely did not disappoint. I noticed pretty quickly that it’s more of a heavier strain, that might put some people out during the day depending on your tolerance. For me, I really enjoyed smoking it throughout the day because I felt like it kept me relaxed and happy wherever I was, without completely slumping me out. There is a nice wave of euphoria that is keeping my mind intrigued and has a nice change to my vision. There is a body high that’s light, but I feel it coming in waves from my head to toes.

Overall I enjoyed Elephant Breath, and I will be picking this up again. The aroma was very nice with that sweetness off the bag, and the gassy permanent marker on the breakdown. The flavor I needed to focus a little more on, so I will update y’all on that ASAP. With that said the flavor was not bad at all and was really smooth with no harshness. I picked up notes of earthiness and sweetness that just flowed out of the mouth really well.

elephants breath by the flower district strain review by eriksreviews

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