Cultivar Review: Illumuminati by Backpack Boyz
By: BackpackBoyz
Lineage/Genetics 🧬: Unknown
Original Breeder: Unknown
Brand: Backpack Boyz
Terpene Profile/Chemovar: Unknown
Illumuminati Cannabis Cultivar (“Strain”) Review

📋: 76%
Illuminati has a very light and underwhelming aroma that had me having to have the nugs against my nose to pick up an aroma. Once I did, I was getting hints of dried fruit that was reminiscent of the Kellogg’s strawberry cereal. It’s unfortunate that the aroma is so light because I feel like these terps would have been amazing. When I broke down the nugs, it released hints of blueberry muffin that you would get from a coffee shop, but it still was very light. With that being said, the nugs were nicely cured, broke down properly, and had a beautiful fluffy consistency.
Unfortunately, the flavor wasn’t there as well. My bong hit out of a clean illadelph was very smooth with no lung pressure or harshness, but it just wasn’t flavorful to me. It starts to develop a little bit as you keep smoking, but still inconsistent.
Thankfully, the high comes in to help save this strain a little bit. It’s a really nice mellow and relaxed buzz that’s definitely not weak, but also not extremely powerful. I enjoyed smoking it throughout the day the most because it left me with a clear head and euphoric effects that had me focused. With that said, as you keep smoking there is an Indica feeling creeping up, bringing on some fatigue and sleepiness but still functional enough to smoke throughout the day.
Illuminati was a alright smoke, I don’t know if I would ever pick it up again due to the lack of aroma and flavor. I think BackpackBoyz could have done better on this batch because I feel like it has potential. Let me know if you have tried it and what your thoughts are. Cheers 💨

Los Angeles🌴