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Cultivar Review: Obama Runtz by Sattva Cannabis

Obama Runtz

Cultivated by: Sattva Cannabis

Package date: 02-23-2024 (Review from 2/23/24)
THC content: 34.31%
Sum of Cannabinoids: 34.46%

Alleged Genetics: afghani x OG x Runtz

Terpene Profile/Chemovar: Unknown

Sattva Cannabis Obama Runtz Cannabis Cultivar (“Strain”) Review

Appearance: I’ve seen a lot of runtz in my day but I dare say this might be the prettiest sample of it I’ve seen to date! This ain’t your ordinary runtz. The structure of the flower seems to be mostly shmediums with some fingerling pod type morphology. This flower just has insane bag appeal. There are hues of dark purple with almost no bits of green showing at all. I know purple coloration doesn’t mean much these days but it is really pretty to look at. It’s just completely railed out in swollen resin glands that glisten in the light and dislodge in a flurry when you start to break it down by hand.

Aroma: This doesn’t smell like your typical candy forward runtz. It’s got the sweetness but in a different vein. It has this sour key lime zesty thing going on that transitions into kind of a spicy yeasty bread factory in the middle of a pine forest. But wait! There’s grapes. I also can kind of pick up some notes of anise and maybe some macadamia? It’s a complex smell with moderate pungency that is pleasant enough to keep my nose going back to the jar. You can definitely tell there’s some OG in there.

Taste/Smokeability: I did not expect this at all but it is super OG forward. Like ALOT. I got a mouthful of that pinesol OG musk with an herbal funk to it that transitions into that sweet zesty candy runtz flavor that just coats your mouth entirely. Aside from those main two standouts in the profile it trails off with that caryophyllene coming through with a kind of peppery essence that gives a nice contrast to the more sweet parts of this profile. I tried this out of glass and out of paper the flavor translated nearly the same with that tell tale expansion that comes with OG crosses. I will say I tasted a more grapey flavor at the end that was more pronounced through glass.

Effect: This strain is for lazy days and early nights. It has a very noticeable sedative effect that comes with a nice cozy sense of warmth and contentment. My eyes feel heavy and it’s definitely stimulated my appetite but not to the point to where I feel like I actually want to get up. I wouldn’t try to partake this and be productive because you won’t get very far. It’s comes on really fast but just gradually gets stronger in waves. Usually runtz doesn’t get me this ripped but throw the OG and afghani in the mix and it’s a party! It certainly good for muscle stiffness and body aches but I’d say it’s a bit of a mental salve as well because it seems to quiet things down a bit.

Overall: This is a great one from Sattva that I’ve been wanting to try for a long time and they definitely did it justice. Props to their head of cultivation Justin for knocking this one out of the park. Sattva has an impressive genetic library of certified bangers with some even more exciting strains coming down the pipe. This definitely hit home for me and I’m excited to try more flavors.

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Judah Terpson
Lover of all things green & fragrant. Reviews connoisseur cannabis products. Picture shown are hemp and NFSOT. Everything for the love of the plant.🌱🌞

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Judah Terpson Lover of all things green & fragrant. Reviews connoisseur cannabis products. Picture shown are hemp and NFSOT. Everything for the love of the plant.🌱🌞

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