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Cultivar Review: Razzles by Exotiks

Razzles 🍬🍭 by @exotiks.916

#Joints #element #smokesesh #handrolled #explore #smallbatch

LIneage/Genetics: Unknown

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: Exotiks

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Razzles Cannabis Cultivar (“Strain”) Review

razzles by exotiks strain review by jointswithjalen

Razzles has a creamy, sugar, floral, gassy aroma with undertones of funk and fruit. When broken down, it retains its sugary, gassy and slightly funky scent. On the inhale, there’s a floral, sugar sweetness with creamy and gassy undertones; whereas on the exhale, it has a super sweet taste reminiscent of candy with gassy undertones. As you smoke more, the sweet candy notes persist but become increasingly gassy.

The name Razzlers is fitting as it definitely tastes like the candy Razzle, with a sugary, fruity, candy gum flavor. The joint burns smoothly and clean with white ash. The high is relaxing, spacey and carefree. You’ll feel a pressure in your head, making it feel heavy, followed by a high behind your eyes that makes them feel low.

A tingling sensation spreads through your body, promoting relaxation and making you want to chill out and enjoy the high. There’s also a spacey feeling in both your mind and body, perfect for just chillin. It’s best suited for midday to nighttime use, ideal for unwinding or enjoying the rest of your evening. Overall, I’d rate it 8.5 out of 10. πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

razzles by exotiks strain review by jointswithjalen 2

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