ConcentratesHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaReviewsStrainsSugar Wax

Dab Review: Overflo Sugar Wax by Rabz Dabz

Overflo { Sugar wax} – @rabz_dabz

Lineage/Genetics: Flo x Face Off OG Bx1

Breeder: Archive Seed Bank

Grower/Processor: Rabz Dabz

Overflo Sugar Wax Review

I was able to get some rabz concentrates and flower . I’ve been loving this sugar wax because its so great for anytime of the day and love the consistency of it which makes it easy to take on the go for dabs on the road or at the beach. Upon opening the jar I was overwhelmed by the overflowing about of sugar wax all white that reminded me of a snow field. The flavor is great kinda earthy and piney and the effects are great because i don’t find it to heavy for me but puts me in a good state of mind a little spacey and hungry which is never a bad thing . This is sugar wax is always good to have around . 🤙🏽 #710 #sugarwax #cannabisconcentrates #cannabisreviews #cannabis #cannabisphotography #rabzdabz #dab

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