Glass Review: Straight Tube from Blue Rat Smoke Shop
We had an excellent weekend so we decided to celebrate today by buying ourselves a new straight tube from Blue Rat Smoke Shop @blueratatl 🔥👌🏻
N E W • G L A S S 🖤
Straight Tube from Blue Rat Smoke Shop Review
Literally got this beast for a steal today! We’re also going out to have a steak and lobster dinner, with some drinks cause we fancy af! 😏🥩🦞🥂
Hope y’all are enjoying your Monday and this beautiful fall weather! Take time to sit down, snap a bowl and take a breather! 🤗
Big boi riiips! 🌪
Seriously this thing will murder your lungs! We got him for a steal. We can’t wait to deck him out in cool/trippy stickers! ✌🏻🤩🍄
Smoking on: Sundae Driver & Shiva Skunk 💨
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Check out more reviews by @thatcutecannacouple on Instagram! (