Hash Review: Chili Verde Cold Cure Rosin by Willamette Valley Alchemy
We reviewed the Chili Verde from #remedyriver in flower form last year, so it’s fun to have the chance to check it out again, but this time in some #coldcure from a well known maker…
Chili Verde Live R o s i n (Key Lime x Lavender)
Dank Maven Rating: Super Dank (90/100)
Maker: Willamette Valley Alchemy @willamette_valley_alchemy
Cultivator: Remedy River @remedy.river
Breeder: HBK Genetics @hbkgenetics
Hunted/Selected by: Wildman Genetics @wildman_genetics
Terpene Profile/Chemovar: Unknown
Willamette Valley Alchemy Chili Verde Rosin review

Appearance: This one’s purdy! The color is a blend of yellow, tan and peachy hues. It’s light, semi-translucent and glistens seductively with a wet sheen that sits in the nooks and crannies like butter on a waffle.
Aroma: Fresh squeezed OJ is the first note out of the jar. What usually stands out about this cultivar is how floral it can be, and that occurs again here with jasmine and orange blossom. Fresh cut parsley, melon and acetone add additional complexity. Fruit/Floral/Fuel/Earth
Flavor: The flavor profile is floral first across a range of temperatures. Honeysuckle, jasmine, lavender and magnolia blossoms were noted. Honeydew and Casaba melon are in the background with pine, fresh mint, eucalyptus, acetone and lime flavored hard candy. Recommend starting temp 500. Floral/Fruit/Earth//Fuel/Sweet
Experience: A layerable, moderately strong, balanced effect is what can be expected of this very enjoyable badder. We found it to have simultaneously energizing and relaxing properties. Very social. This kind of balance and dynamism speaks of truly high quality resin.

For educational purposes only, nothing for sale or trade
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