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Hash Review: Zoap Live Rosin by Dope as Fuck Rosin

ZOAP Live Rosin

Breeder: Deep East

Processor: Dope as Fuck Rosin

Terpene Profile/Chemovar: Unknown

Dope as Fuck Rosin Zoap Live Rosin Review

zoap live rosin by dope as fuck rosin hash review by extract_reviewer 2

When I opened the jar I was met with a sweet soapy gas aroma. There was a refreshing herbal aroma which reminded me of a brand new bar of soap. The refreshing soap aroma was quickly covered up by a gallon of gasoline that got spilled inside the restroom. The gassy notes come in, a bit acidic, and take over the entire aroma profile.

The taste was heavy on the gas, which I was a fan of! There was an acidic and herbal gasoline taste which coated my mouth and felt like it could get lit up with any sparks flying around. The acidity starts off strong but allows an herbal note to come in and add some complexity before it gets taken over by a sweet gasoline profile.

As soon as I inhaled my dab, I felt a huge sense of relief. My body began to feel relaxed and a bit heavy. The couch lock effect had some weight to it but I felt confident I could be productive but I was proven wrong soon after my first dab. I found myself with less motivation to finish my work as the time passed by. Physically, my body didn’t feel heavy but mentally it did and I could not force myself to get up from my seat. This was a great jar after a long day of work. Really helped me reset and be ready for the next day.

zoap live rosin by dope as fuck rosin hash review by extract_reviewer

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Budist @budist_official (Solventless & Solvent critic)
Hash Flight (NorCal)
Reviews also available on @thehighestcritic

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Budist @budist_official (Solventless & Solvent critic) Hash Flight (NorCal) Reviews also available on @thehighestcritic

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