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Pre-roll Review: Super Sour Diesel Redwood Fuel by Humboldt Homegrown

First off, kudos to humboldt homegrown for running super sour diesel. It’s not a popular cultivar and to be able to smoke some, even if it’s a preroll, is a welcome day to me.

Grower: Humboldt Homegrown

Humboldt Homegrown Super Sour Diesel Preroll Review

I got my hands on this at Hall of Flowers and this was my first time trying Humboldt Homegrown – the brand, that is.

Definitely tasted the super. The sour came out at the end. Very oily. The silvery haze blended right into the resinous diesel and the flavors kept compounding as the joint went on. Tasty to the end.

At the end of the day, with just some nose and no looks to go on, it’s all about whether it’s tasty to the end, and if it has a nice high. This SSD set me a strong energizing baseline that let me stay until I was the last one standing smoking for an extra long ciph.

Redwood Fuel indeed.

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Founder of The Highest Critic
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Caleb Chen

Founder of The Highest Critic Unpaid /r/trees mod Certified Ganjier Kine bud enthusiast

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