CaliforniaCannabis InfusedReviews

Product Review: Cannabis Infused Inhaler by NFuzed

Wow, I’m bummed, I really wanted to like this product. When I first saw this, I thought it was most likely an aerosol of some type of powdered THC nano particles??? Brand: NFuzed

NFuzed Cannabis Infused Inhaler Review

cannabis infused inhaler by nfuzed product reivew by ogweedreview 2I bought one for my wife who suffers from chronic shoulder pain. She can’t smoke and usually uses edibles to get relief. I thought this might be a faster, more precise form of uptake. Unfortunately this thing made her lungs hurt the first time she tried it, I’m a daily Cannabis smoker and it killed my lungs after I hit it too. I think this is a great concept, but this stuff really causes irritation when you inhale their combination of MCT oil, Cannabis derived distillate, Cannabis derived terpenes and a list of other things. (photo 2) To me it was somewhat like when you inhale a bunch of un-vaped oil after hitting on a vape cartridge, that has a battery that’s going dead. I usually only like to review weed, but I thought that it was my responsibility to drop this opinion on you because this one hurts my lungs, and I have some serious concerns about the safety of inhaling MCT oil and the possibility of the development of lipoid pneumonia, by those who do. #cannabisreview #cannabisproducts #cannabisismedicine
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2 thoughts on “Product Review: Cannabis Infused Inhaler by NFuzed

  • Jodi Kaye

    I agree! The employees at Nfused have to know how harsh the inhaler is! Talk about a burning jolt of butane!!! ouch!!! It works once you get past the burning and horrible choke coughing!!!
    Definitely not what I expected! I’ve only used it twice and it’s just sitting. yuck

  • I threw mine out. In my opinion it’s a very dangerous product to inhale. You could just it on spray your tongue, but that tastes like crap. If you really want to use it, I’d spray it on a slice of cheese (tastes better and the cheese will help the uptake) and place that on a cracker or spray it over some ice cream. Hope that helps, thanks for the comment. Peace, OG


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