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Strain Review: Autobahn by MIM Exotics x 30 Flamez

“Autobahn” strain by MIM Exotics and 30 flamez @mim_exotics @30.flamez ..

Lineage/Genetics: Unknown

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: MIM Exotics x 30 Flamez

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Autobahn Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

autobahn by MIM exotics x 30 flamez strain review by thethcspot

I was on the fence about this one , but turns out this one was 🔥, and it smokes hell of clean!
It has a gelato flavor but with a cereal milk twist , terpy and flavorful throughout the whole J. The material looks amazing frosty and hell of piney with a candy nose. Effects came in pretty smooth but long lasting I’d say more of a body buzz to it. Overall I liked this one and wouldn’t mind 💨 it again.
S/o @30.flamez @mim_exotics @empiregenetic1


autobahn by MIM exotics x 30 flamez strain review by thethcspot 2

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