Strain Review: Bowza by PPG Worldwide
Bowza strain 👹 🐢 – 5/10
Lineage/Genetics: [Genetics Undisclosed]
Original Breeder: Unknown
Grower: PPG Worldwide
Terpene Profile: Unknown

Bowza Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review
Powered and Cultivated By: @ppg_worldwide Bowza Smell | Flavor: The Bowza was one that had deep Runtz OG notes to me, and it had a slight something else on it. Almost like an allspice, or something slightly sweet and smoky. There’s definitely heavy gas terpene, maybe a slight sweetness, but definitely funky even to the breakdown. After you roll that, the dry pull is deep, kushy. The High: In the first few pulls, your body feels those body notes automatically. As you continue tho, that body weighing feeling should be around your entire body. You can mostly feel the relaxant in your neck muscles, your head, along with the soles of your feet. Extremely cozy, continued with a small numbing in the mental. I honestly can’t say there’s much other description to this, and the longevity of the high only lasted so long. I found it ashes grey most of the way through unlike the Clovers which ashes clean white the entire way. 💯 #weedcommunity #weedfeed #cannabisreview #weedreview #weedhead #weedzaoDOPE, THE REVIEWER!
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