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Strain Review: Double Cup by Pearl Pharma (2024)

Double Cup🥤

By: Pearl Pharma

Lineage/Genetics: Biker OG x Amnesia Haze or Amnesia Haze x Biker Kush

Original Breeder: Karma Genetics

Grower: Pearl Pharma

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Double Cup Cannabis Cultivar (strain) Review

double cup by pearl pharma strain review by eriksreviews

If you need something to knock you out for sleep or deep relaxation, here is Double Cup for you.

The nugs were fresh and sticky and you can tell this batch is a sleeper when you get your nose in there.

You’ll get this dark earthy and zesty purple nose to it that lingers heavy and you taste all of it in the exhale.

Right after your first or second bong rip, you’ll be ready to get a blanket, and lay down on the couch.

Definitely gonna keep this in my rotation for sleep. 💤 Cheers 🥂

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