
Strain Review: Mag Landrace by verano Brands

This Mag Landrace by @veranobrands was so gorgeous it needed its own photoshoot πŸ€€πŸ€€πŸ“ΈπŸ“ΈπŸ“Έ

Grower: verano Brands

Dispensary: Greenhouse

Mag Landrace Strain Review

mag landrace verano brands strain review by nightmare_ro 1.
Super relaxing after a long day at work makes my muscles loosen up and puts a smile on my face ☺️
Purchased at @ghgmmj Deerfield where I am a Patient Counselor (aka Budtender πŸ˜‰)
πŸ‘‰πŸΌFollow @nightmare_ro for more πŸ’¨
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+ posts

Hey, I'm NightmareRo. I work as a budtender at a medical cannabis dispensary! I make review videos and cannabis creative content on TheWeedTube! So grab a joint and let's see where the ganja takes us!

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Hey, I'm NightmareRo. I work as a budtender at a medical cannabis dispensary! I make review videos and cannabis creative content on TheWeedTube! So grab a joint and let's see where the ganja takes us!

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