CaliforniaCannabis CultivarsFlowerHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Strain Review: Mangonada by The Prodigal Company

🥭🍹 Mangonada :

Lineage/Genetics: (Piña Acái x LCG) x (E85 x Zkittles)

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: The Prodigal Company

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Mangonada Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

mangonada by the prodigal company strain review by thecannaisseurking

@theprodigalcompany_main @jona_theprodigalco

TheProdigalCompany… never failing to disappoint! Always lacing me up with flavors to give my honest opinions and it’s always great feedback ! A new strain every month this year is insane And he hasn’t stopped yet ! Cracking the jar you get this instant clean/toned down nose of a twisted LCG terp. It’s heavy on the light tones of LCG and somewhat a slight sweet tangy-ish creamy “fruit” terp in the background! Looks like a super good batch of LCG triched out with a lot more color. Kinda got a heavy e85 build as well . On the breakup, the nose gets a lot more tangish, slight tone of gas with a super noticeable light Acái candy terp ! I guess creating a fruity type of terp 🥭 Rolled up and the airflow was as expected, little bit of tang , mostly a light dank creamish candy 😮‍💨 sparked up instantly, clean white ashes all the way thru with each hit being smooth up until your second time in the rotation! By then, it’s nice and potent. Each inhale tickling your lungs with an exhale leavin your eyes watery. She’s got definite power and tastes great. Got an easy definable candy terp with a heavy tone of tangy gas 🔥 Gettin super baked by the end of the joint 👑 always a blessing gettin to bring you guys somethin special, just wish I would’ve been able to bring it to you sooner! 🥺(IG be hatin)
StayTuned …..

mangonada by the prodigal company strain review by thecannaisseurking 2

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Sac 📍, H.R. 💍 , Collector 👽, Reviewer 💯
Exotic Ashtray ♨️
Tried to go back but this sh*ts too tasty 🍬

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Sac 📍, H.R. 💍 , Collector 👽, Reviewer 💯 Exotic Ashtray ♨️ Tried to go back but this sh*ts too tasty 🍬

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