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Strain Review: Rainbow Z #25 by Deep East

“Rainbow Z #25“ By Deep East

Lineage/Genetics: (Zkittles x RsF2)

Original Breeder: Deep East

Grower: DEO Farms

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Rainbow Z #25 Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

rainbow z 25 by deep east strain review by thethcspot 2

🔥 strain ! This one marked all boxes, the flavor was crazy filled with grapefruit z terps mixed with sherb and subtle gassy notes making it a complex profile. The effects are potent, heavy on the euphoric side with good couchlock and joyful energy. The flower was sticky, shiny and hell of dense the nug on the video weighs 2.75 ! The nose was like a Zkittles but with a creamy sherby aroma to it. Burning clean , tasty and white ash ! Rainbow Z for the win ! @deofarms @deepeast

rainbow z 25 by deep east strain review by thethcspot

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