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Strain Review: Shirazi by SMKRS

🕌🎊 Shirazi : Rainbow Sherbert #3 (Sunset Sherbert x OZ Kush)
@monsters.exotics @smkrs_la @doja.pak

Lineage/Genetics: Sunset Sherbert x OZ Kush

Original Breeder: Deep East

Brand: SMKRS

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Shirazi aka RS3 Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

shirazi by smkrs strain review by thecannaisseurking

Been real busy lately, tons of stuff in the works. Haven’t forgot about the gems I have tucked . Shirazi, she was such a great comparison to its sister RS11. Crack the bag open you get this similar RS11 candy nose but toned down . Not as sharp and heavy gas background like the RS more of that nice subtle sweet sherby candy nose on a cloud of cream gas. That nice unique RS nose is unforgettable . For those who haven’t tried it, stay tuned for the review 🍬⛽️ the looks on this cut of RS is in that “bring the green” back movement ! Super bright green nugs with noticeable hints of purple hues spotted thru some of the nugs. Solid nug structure but the nugs broke up soft and fresh which was surprising considering the fact I had this for a minute 🤣(smoked this a few months ago) The nose got a little bit more on that sour sweet cream side, the gassy Sherb wanted to come out a bit more after rippin it apart for the grinder ! Rollin it up, formed perfectly , you get that classic creamy sweetish gas Sherb just toned down, reminds me of an RS11 ice cream milkshake tbh 🧐 sparking it up sure enough , instantly turns on with those nice hints of white ashes comin thru, first initial hit I got a super smooth inhale and a nice creep up exhale with a strong tasty aftertaste. Same great tart Sherb little less power of the RS11 , a lot smoother on the inhale but the taste is damn near similar . High is great, hits instantly to the eyes and body . Everything becomes heavier . Works the same as #11 ! Much enjoyed and one for the books ♨️ can’t wait for this to come back around ✊🏽 #StayTuned #HugeMoves #BackGround #FlavorChaser #PhenoHunter #ExoticAshtray #BeenAWhile #ImBack #SacOnTheMap #PAID #WhatsInYour #Lungz #RS #Cookies #SF #Canna #415 #916 #OCB Elements #King #Cannasaurus👑🦖

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Sac 📍, H.R. 💍 , Collector 👽, Reviewer 💯
Exotic Ashtray ♨️
Tried to go back but this sh*ts too tasty 🍬

flower mill ad - X grind, yes mill


Sac 📍, H.R. 💍 , Collector 👽, Reviewer 💯 Exotic Ashtray ♨️ Tried to go back but this sh*ts too tasty 🍬

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