Cannabis CultivarsFlowerHybridsMarijuanaReviewsSativa DominantStrains

Strain Review: The Original Lemonhead by High Regard

The Original Lemonhead

Lineage/Genetics: (Lemon Tree x OG Eddy Lepp)

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: High Regards

Terpene Profile: Unknown

The Original Lemonhead Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

the original lemonhead by high regards strain review by averagejoeweedreviewsnj
This flower is so refreshing and just feels like summer. From the smell of sweet lemon candy to the super smooth taste that makes you feel like you’re in a field of lemons with a gassy breeze blowing by. Almost tastes like lemonade
Reading up on this cross i was nervous because it said a lot about heavy sativa, but i think this grow is different. The effects started creeping in halfway thru and just made the body feel heavy. Not so much tired but no way you’ll want to move after smoking this one. Strong body effects that lets you ride the rest of the evening out calmly
The flower itself it’s super soft and fresh. Bright greens and fluorescent orange really makes the colors pop here. Broke down into a nice green pile
Overall I’m a big fan of this and happy i got a half. Smooth refreshing smell/taste with a super strong hiigh to go with it… how could you lose?? @highregards_ is on top 🔥🔥

Nothing is ever for sale. This is a review of my own personal possession.

the original lemonhead by high regards strain review by averagejoeweedreviewsnj 2

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Father first
Nothing is for sale,all reviews are my own possession.
i don’t ask for free things, but free never equals a good review. Honesty always

flower mill ad - X grind, yes mill


Father first Nothing is for sale,all reviews are my own possession. i don’t ask for free things, but free never equals a good review. Honesty always

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