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Strain Review: Toasted Marshmallowz by The Smokers Club

“Toasted Marshmallowz” by The Smokers Club @thesmokersclub

Lineage/Genetics: Unknown

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: The Smokers Club

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Toasted Marshmallowz Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

toasted marshmallowz by the smokers club strain review by thethcspot 2

The terps on this strain had a balance of tropical fruit and a lemon cream mix making it a tasty treat. The flower looks amazing if you swipe right you’ll see what I’m talking about shiny sticky and colorful. Burning smooth with the perfect amount of lung pressure , a nice oil ring and white ashes. The effects were up to par giving me couchlock , relaxation and creative vibes . Overall this baby was different , perfect for a little change ! 🔥🔥

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