Strain Review: Trippin Noodles by 12 Alarm Fire x Teds Budz
Trippin Noodles 🍜
👨🏽🌾By: 12 Alarm Fire and Ted’s Budz
🧬Lineage/Genetics: Not Released
Original Breeder: Unknown
Terpene Profile: Unknown
Trippin Noodles Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

Erik’s Score: 7.7
Anything from 12 Alarm Fire is usually pretty good, so when I saw they had a few new drops I had to pick up one. Tripping noodles caught my nose and eyes off the bat. It’s light green buds with touches of purple and it’s covered in trichomes. The nose is an earthy and sweet creamy profile, and when I grind it up a weird funkiness popped out which was pretty unique. Nothing too crazy on the nose, but the terpenes were fresh and loud which is helping its score.
The pallet wasn’t too bad as it’s an earthy and light spicy taste. The taste is earthy and sweet in the beginning and then the aftertaste is funky with a light spice that coats your mouth. It wasn’t bad but I’m not usually a big spice fan when it comes to my weed flavors.
The buzz off tripping noodles was a balanced one, I felt motivated enough to get things done with a slight energy boost but there was no jitters or anxiety. It’s a big plus for me when hybrids give me an uplifting energy effect without any overwhelming feeling or too much tingles.
Overall the strain was not too bad but I would not pick this up again as I don’t think it was worth the $60 eighth. I grade hard for the brands that put out their weed for $60+ an eighth, because if you’re doing that, it has to check boxes heavily all around. Cheers 💨

Los Angeles🌴