Cultivar Review: Syrup by Your Highness
Next up from ECHB 22 is Your Highness’s Syrup. Danny McBride and James Franco might have a joke for thatun’ – but I don’t.
Lineage/Genetics: Unknown
Original Breeder: Unknown
Grower: Your Highness
Terpene Profile: Unknown
Your Highness Syrup Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review
The syrup smells of earth and sweet. Syrup. A pure maple syrup ice cream like you don’t see billboards for in Vermont. Once it’s broken up some deep hints of a bit of gas and other loud barky notes. The deepness of the aroma can’t be discounted. The nug is also very large but not super dense at all. What a beautiful structure. High is…. One track and that track will put you straight to the fridge. I am borderline comatose on this but happily so and my mind is free to wander. I guess you could say this stuff took the soundtrack of my life and did the chopped and screwed remix.Founder of The Highest Critic
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