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Strain Review: Agent X by Alien Labs

Agent X from Alien Labs.

Lineage/Genetics: Atomic Apple x Xeno #1

Original Breeder: Alien Labs

Grower: Alien Labs

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Agent X Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

agent x by alien labs strain review by njmmjguy 2

This is really good. I had this for a min but I’m buggin. Got a crazy fresh apple-ish kinda taste. The bud looks pretty too. I included a pic of it ground up for my first J because it looked so pretty.

The label is self explanatory. Potency is on point. Maybe more in the high 20’s but also tasting great. Cure and dry is on point so it smokes great. I would get more of this sometime.

#agentx #alienlabs #atomicapple #xeno #weedporn #nj #weedpics #weed #njweed #cannabis #njmmjguy #njents #madcow.nj

agent x by alien labs strain review by njmmjguy 3

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