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Hash Review: Zhem Pai Live Rosin by Notorious Terpz


ZHEM PAI Live Rosin

Lineage/Genetics: Unknown

Original Breeder: Ahti Genetics

Grower: Ahti Farms

Processor: Notorious Terpz

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Zhem Pai Live Rosin Review

zhem pai live rosin by notorious terpz hash review by extract_reviewer 2

At first, this jar was very funky. There was a lot going on and it was difficult for me to pinpoint something out specifically. It leaned towards a piney diesel aroma with heavy creamy bits and a sweet ending. After a day out of the fridge, the Z really popped out and mixed with the pine and diesel for a funky candy aroma.

The taste changed a bit over the time as well. At first I got heavy creamy notes of diesel and pine. It was deep and heavy but there was always tiny sweet creamy notes on every hit. As the days went by, the taste began to get a lot more candy and fruity. It got a lot sweeter and it began to taste like many of the Z jars I’ve had in the past. The pine and diesel were still there, but they weren’t the main stars of the show anymore.

This jar had me feeling real nice for a minute. There was a mild body high that took over me and a super tight headband feeling that slowly wrapped itself around my head. I felt laser focused but I snapped out of it suddenly and could feel how heavily lit I truly was. It was very intoxicating but had me completely mute and without really moving the entire time. Once I started talking, I could not shut up and you were wishing I was back to the beginning stages 😂. After that there was a little euphoria, it had me lost in thought, and I felt like I was on cloud 9.

zhem pai live rosin by notorious terpz hash review by extract_reviewer

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Budist @budist_official (Solventless & Solvent critic)
Hash Flight (NorCal)
Reviews also available on @thehighestcritic

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Budist @budist_official (Solventless & Solvent critic) Hash Flight (NorCal) Reviews also available on @thehighestcritic

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