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Cultivar Review: Bk Satellite by Alien Labs

Bk Satellite πŸ“‘ πŸŠβ›½οΈby @alienlabs
@rockitneedspace @returnofthealien

#Joints #element #smokesesh #handrolled #explore #smallbatch

Lineage/Genetics: Legend of Nigeria #7 x Milky Way #21

Original Breeder: Alien Labs

Grower: Alien Labs

Terpene Profile/Chemovar: Unknown

BK Satellite Cannabis Cultivar (“Strain”) Review

bk satellite by alien labs strain review by jointswithjalen

BK Satellite has a fruity, sour pine and citrus aroma with rich, creamy notes and some musky, cheesy undertones. When broken down, it gives off a floral, gassy and sour scent. On the inhale, the flavor is a mix of floral, gassy, earthy and creamy tones. On the exhale, you get a blend of sour, gassy citrus notes, accompanied by rich, creamy and sweet undertones.

The taste is reminiscent of an Orange Julius smoothie but with a gassy twist. As you continue to smoke, the creamy citrus notes become more pronounced. The joint burns smooth, leaving white ash. The high is sedating, euphoric, creative and alert. It starts with a pressure in your head, making it feel heavy and then moves to your eyes, which also begin to feel heavy and low.

Eventually, the high spreads through your body, providing relaxation and calming your nerves. Despite feeling alert and creative, you might also find yourself zoning out and feeling stuck. However, the strain also provides motivation if you feel like doing something, you’ll want to get up and do it. But if you just want to chill, it’s perfect for that too. I’d recommend this strain more for late afternoon to nighttime use.

It’s great for productivity, but also perfect for winding down and enjoying the rest of your day. This one was definitely smoking, if you come across it definitely give it a try.

Overall, I’d rate it an 8.5 out of 10.

bk satellite by alien labs strain review by jointswithjalen 2

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