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Cultivar Review: Lemon Tart Pucker #1 Persy by 710 Labs

Lemon Tart Pucker #1 Persy πŸ‹by @710labs

#joints #element #smokesesh #handrolled #explore #smallbatch #smokefortaste

Lineage/Genetics: Athens x Lemon G13 x Dough Dawg

Original Breeder: Cannarado Genetics

Grower: 710 Labs

Terpene Profile/Chemovar: Unknown

Lemon Tart Pucker #1 Cannabis Cultivar (“Strain”) Review

lemon tart pucker persy flower by 710 labs strain review by jointswithjalen

Lemon Tart Pucker #1 aroma is a floral citrus burst, fresh and zesty with an undertone of sweetness. It’s like zesting a fresh lemon or stepping outside to inhale the scent of a lemon tree, it’s also reminiscent of Lemonheads candy. Upon breaking it down, the scent becomes richer, blending floral, gassy, and citrus notes with a pronounced zest.

When inhaled, the flavor profile introduces a mix of floral, earthy, citrus, and musky tones. On the exhale, the taste deepens with rich earthy bitterness, a punch of citrus, gas, and subtle sweet undertones. It’s like biting into a fresh lemon, peel and all. The more you smoke, the more pronounced the sweet lemon terpenes become, lingering on the palate.

The joint burns smooth and clean, leaving behind white ash. The high is euphoric, uplifting, and relaxing. As you smoke, you’ll first feel a lightness around your head , followed by a sensation of heaviness around your eyelids. A tingling sensation spreads throughout your body, making you feel both light and deeply relaxed, while leaving you in an elevated, blissful state.

I would say this is definitely more of a day time to mid day strain perfect for getting things done and being social. Overall rating 8.6 out of 10

lemon tart pucker persy flower by 710 labs strain review by jointswithjalen 2

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