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Cultivar Review: Melon Soda by Watson Supply

Melon Soda 🍈πŸ₯€by

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Lineage/Genetics: Unknown

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: Watson Supply

Terpene Profile/Chemovar: Unknown

Melon Soda Cannabis Cultivar (“Strain”) Review

melon soda by watson supply strain review by jointswithjalen

Melon soda is sweet, creamy, and candy like, with fruity and funky sharp undertones reminiscent of melon Ramune. On the breakdown, the aroma reveals sugary floral notes alongside fruity melon and a hint of musk. During the inhale, you’ll notice floral, funky, sweet, and creamy fruity notes, while the exhale presents a rich, creamy candy flavor with floral sweetness, tropical bitterness, and funky undertones.

It feels like indulging in melon candy, as the flavors coat the palate and make you want to keep smoking. With each puff, the sweet, creamy, and funky melon notes become more pronounced. The smoke is smooth, and the joint burns clean, leaving behind white ash. The high is euphoric, carefree, uplifting, and relaxing. As you smoke, you’ll feel a light, airy pressure in your head, almost like a blanket is covering it.

The effects begin around your eyes, giving them a relaxed, heavy feeling, and then spread throughout your body, creating a sense of lightness. It calms your nerves and makes you want to chill. I typically feel anxious all the time, but after smoking this, my anxiety melted away. A calming sensation enveloped my entire body; despite feeling relaxed, I didn’t feel sluggish.

I felt capable of socializing and getting things done. I’d say this is more of a daytime to midday smoke, perfect for going on an adventure or just chilling with friends. Overall rating 8.7 out of 10 πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

melon soda by watson supply strain review by jointswithjalen 2

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