420 Blunt OClock by Backpack Boyz & Natalie Nunn

Baddies x Blunt O’Clock: 420 Blunt O’Clock, by Backpack Boyz & Natalie Nunn
Baddies! Time to roll up! Move over, “Baddie, Baddie, Shot O’clock,”! On this fine Sunday where a lot of popular reality television comes on, we are going to explore 420 Blunt O’Clock, by the Backpack Boyz & Natalie Nunn! Natalie Nunn has partnered with Backpack Boyz, the best of the best, to bring out a series of strains, and this review will be touching base on the 420 Blunt O’Clock! I will be touching on the remainder of the series in later reviews including Baddies Run NY, Baddies Run LA, and Baddie Island. The bag appeal off of the 420 Blunt O’Clock is just insane, and maybe we might be biased as we are also connoisseurs of the Baddies shows as well. In contrast to Natalie Nunn’s signature, “Baddie, Baddie, shot o’clock,” I can appreciate my stronger vice with the 420 Blunt O Clock. Let’s break down this review from what makes this strain an instant pick to satiate your reality TV taste.
Bred by: Backpack Boyz (@officialbackpackboyz), 5Points (@5points.la), & Natalie Nunn (@realmissnatalienunn)
Grown by: Backpack Boyz (@officialbackpackboyz)
Genetics: Lemon Cherry Gelato x Lemon Tree
If you’re a fan of bold, creative cannabis packaging, the “420 Blunt O’ Clock!” pack is sure to catch your eye.
Taste: 7/10; The high on this strain had everything that could satiate your cravings. It had a generic gelato punch similar to a gelato 41 cross; lightly earthy on the taste, slightly lemon on the smell and very heavy on the gelato. This strain isn’t heavy on the lemon profile, and doesn’t smoke like a gelato, however this strain does have a gelato high that will fit your palette. It also brings it to another level that adds onto its strong profile. 420 Blunt O’Clock was also grown well which remains the signature trade of Backpack Boyz. For an introductory strain into smoking good za, this is definitely the pack for you.
Whether you’re a seasoned connoisseur or a casual consumer, these nugs promise a memorable experience in both aesthetics and effect.
Smoke: 8/10; The initial smoke was killer, it was insane and a straight choker, but I couldn’t stop. Even after smoking through the first pack, opening the second pack the experience and initial reaction was the same and it’s very unique for strains like that to just be that consistent. I will say this strain is not at ALL to be taken lightly as the inhale is a straight punch to the lungs and throat. It is a nifty smell heavy on the gelato with a slight hint of lemon. What is also interesting about this strain is that while it has a heavy gelato smell, it does not smoke like a gelato, but it does have a gelato high.
More reviews at https://www.socialclub.cc/user/incognegro96