Hash Review: Rootbeer GMO Full Melt by Cold Craft Hash Co.
Root beer GMO Air dried full melt processed by @dabbing_ninja @coldcrafthashco_ grown by @trinityhealingcrops
Rootbeer GMO
Air dry full melt 90u-119u
Cultivated by: Trinityhealingcrops
Processed by: dabbing_ninja
Bred by: Skunktek x Mean Gene from Mendocino
Lineage/Genetics: GMO x root-beer
Terpene Profile: Unknown
Rootbeer GMO Full Melt Review
Appearance/consistency: When I first picked it up it was some pure white beach sand. It truly was a beautiful sample of full melt. I had a bit of a drive home with this and didn’t bring a cooler so it melted a bit before I could take a picture. I don’t get a lot of melt like this but the transitional nature of the consistency is pretty cool to see. After it fully greased down the color shifted a little darker. It turned the hue of a golden amber honey. When frozen it’s powdery but when brought to ambient temperatures it’s more of a pull and snap. I can roll it between my fingers and drop a dunk into my rig no problem.
Aroma: When I cracked this jar I found It has a really similar profile to the rosin. I get that same old sarsaparilla gas scent that I remember but with more of a floral twist if that makes sense. To me I was able to pull out hints of anise and lavender as well as a little bit of honeysuckle. Unlike the rosin I feel like the skunkiness of the GMO tends to express a lot more in melt form. It still has that characteristic gassy sweetness that I associate with this strain but with a little extra depth to it. I can tell there’s some stanky weirdness like maybe some garlic and nori. The aroma is complex but also subtle at the same time. Once I agitated the melt by poking it with a tool a bit I was able to evoke the smell a lot more than it was fresh out the fridge.
Flavor/Smokeability: I thought I loved this flavor profile before but in fullmelt form I’ve reached a new level of appreciation for this strain. It’s definitely amplified to say the least. It has that sweet saccharine dad’s rootbeer type of flavor but transitions quickly to what tastes like a tire fire doused in kerosene. Beyond that sweet gassiness It has a nice skunky earthiness that rounds out those two dominant flavors that almost gives an umami type of dimension to the profile. The vapor on this is super expansive but really smooth. As long as you know how much you’re hitting you can gauge it to where you’re not coughing too much if at all.
Effect: The shit gets me ripped. No if ands or buts. I hit this just a few times for the review and it’s just a heavy narcotic high that makes me want to drift off and relax. It gives mild to moderate munchies but I’m more tired than I am hungry and this is the ticket for a good nights sleep for sure. I first had this strain back in April and I’ve been missing it since I ran out of the rosin. Dabbing this one was like meeting an old friend! It has decent painkilling properties but I wouldn’t say it’s one to use to stimulate creativity or energy. This is my designated sleep concentrate. I’ll hit it other times of the day but the last dab of the day will be this for the foreseeable future.
Overall: This is one of the jars Trinityhealingcrops gifted me and I was super grateful. I don’t often get fancy melt like this so I was excited to try it and it more than lived up to my expectations. I’ve had other melts that were freeze dried and compared to this air dried melt it seems waaaay more terpy. Whether it’s the tech or the genetics or both I think it’s pretty damn neat and I’m happy I was able to experience it. There’s really not a whole lot of melt like this on the CA rec market and when it is it’s pretty cost prohibitive to most folks to try it. But if you have a connect for melt of this quality I’d recommend scooping some especially this cultivar. 🤙

Judah Terpson
Lover of all things green & fragrant. Reviews connoisseur cannabis products. Picture shown are hemp and NFSOT. Everything for the love of the plant.🌱🌞