Strain Review: Darth Vader
Darth Vader [Indica] 🧃
Lineage/Genetics: Unknown
Original Breeder: Unknown
Darth Vader Strain Review
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Strength – 4/5 🗿🗿🗿🗿
Aroma – Herbal, Berry, Sour 🌿🍒🍋
Taste – Berry, Musk, Pepper 🍒 🦨 🍂
Density – Dense 🥦
Smoke –Smooth 😊
Oil Ring – Light Oil ♨️
Cherry – Strong Uniform Cherry 🚬 🚬 🚬🤩
Darth Vader scores exceptionally high in categories: relaxation, time distortion, and introspection 🛌🏾⌛🤔. Being mainly an Indica person myself, these are the effects I desire & look for when needing to unwind from a long day or an overactive mind.
Do not expect to get much done – in fact☝️, *wise, it will be* (in Yoda voice) to complete your daily tasks before sparking up a doob of this😅. If the Dark Lord of the #Sith himself juiced this cultivar(strain), it would only be AFTER the completion of the #DeathStar👾🌌.
There are types of cannabis that pump the user full of energy, motivation, and the boldness to attack and complete responsibilities🌞. Then there are those that bring out an entirely new class of laziness and inactivity, where the user is struck with a powerful unwillingness to do anything at all🌝😴.
This one is the latter. ☮️✌️
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