Strain Review: Thin Mint Zkittlez by NUG
🍃🍪🌈 ThinMintZkittle : (Thin Mint Cookies x Zkittles)
@nug @nugsacramento @916candleslit
Lineage/Genetics: Thin Mint Cookies x Zkittlez
Original Breeder: Unknown
Grower: NUG
Terpene Profile: Unknown
Thin Mint Zkittlez Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review
Taking the infamous Thin Mint Cooks and crossing it with Zkittles is exactly what Zkittles needed! Crack the jar open and you get this sweet danky cookie nose! Cookie gas with a hint of creamy Zkittles , really sweet terp behind the dank aroma of cookie. She has the look of both if I have to be honest but the structure and density of the nugs are definitely built like Cookies! She broke up great, still sticky, and the nose grew dankier! A lot more gas was in the air and a slight heavier tone of Sweet cream Zkittle was following behind! Rolled up a chop with @theriptip and the airflow was the same as the nose . Taste a sweet dank heavy cream cookie gas! All in one , gives me the feeling that she’s gonna be really potent! Sparked up just fine, quick and easy! White ashes after the first couple pulls and a noticeable heavy smooth inhale with instant chokey exhales to a lip smacking sweet and gassy cookie terp! Definitely what Zkittles needed when it comes to the power! A lot of power behind her leaving you stoneeeed! Leaving me impressed yet again for the second time having somethin from @nugsacramento 🔥🔥can’t wait to get my hands on some more exotic and legendary genetics 🧬 💯
#PhenoHunter #Strain #Collector #ThinMint #Zkittles #Cookies #TerpHogz #Berner #WhatsNext? #PAID #LaCoz #SantaCruz #Gordo #Scientific #Reviewer #Worldwide #HighestCritic #Explore #NUG #SacOnTheMap #Sactown #Sacramento #KINGS #WaitOnIt #biggerbetterThings #NFS #StackNChase #TheOriginal #King #Cannasaurus👑🦖

Sac 📍, H.R. 💍 , Collector 👽, Reviewer 💯
Exotic Ashtray ♨️
Tried to go back but this sh*ts too tasty 🍬