Lotus Entheogenic Church to host Pill Hill Swap Seed Exchange and Market on Feb 3rd, 2024
[FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE] Oakland, CA – The Lotus Entheogenic Church will host the Pill Hill Swap Seed Exchange and Market in Oakland, CA on February 3rd, 2023. The event will run from noon to 6PM.
According to the event page, the Pill Hill Swap will feature
“Non-gmo, organic fruits, vegetables, herbs, and cannabis seeds. Micro workshops on how to grow your own food and medicine.”To RSVP for the Pill Hill Swap, visit the eventbrite link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/pill-hill-swap-seed-exchange-and-market-tickets-787787723287 Pill Hill Swap tickets are $5.
Join renowned breeders at the Pill Hill Swap and get new genetics!
From what The Highest Critic has seen, many well respected breeders at the bleeding edge of plants and fungi will be in attendance. People are coming from all over the state and beyond including Fault Line Seeds, Joey Burger, Tamara Thorn, Mendo Myco, Pheno Paradise, Savage Oak, and Counter Culture Research – check the list of sponsors on the flyer to see more.About Lotus Entheogenic Church
Lotus Entheogenic Church promotes plant medicine for the people and is based in Oakland, CA. Visit LotusChurch.com and apply for membershipPill Hill Swap Full Flyer