Canterramanagementllc scam attempts to sell “cannabis plantation investments” via Instagram DM
Instagram DMs are always filled with spam and scams. I can’t help checking it out though. I recently received an inquiry from canterramanagementllc asking if I was open to new opportunities in cannabis:
“Hello friend I see you are following a cannabis page , are you open to new opportunities on cannabis ? Let’s share ideas if you wouldn’t mind”I said… sure tell me more. to which the response was:
“I work with a company which specializes on cannabis plantation for its investors”I asked where the plantation was, if there were slaves on the plantation, what cultivars were being grownded on the plantation, which of course the scammer couldn’t even comprehend. Instead they told me:
“Each plants cost $500”I guess I was being a little too rude, because I was blocked shortly after.
Anatomy of a cannabis investment scam
You’ll note that looks like a real company which had been registered in the past: Canterra Management – which folded in 2020 but still has as DUNs number and other things that make it seem like a legit company. This ghost of a shell company has been identified by scammers as a company name they can appropriate and use to fool those that don’t do due diligence.
Canterramanagementllc is a scam; there is no cannabis plantation investment
I don’t know who needs to read this, but if you are considering investing in this obvious piece of crap… just don’t? Again: canterramanagementllc is a scam.Founder of The Highest Critic
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