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Every 420, food ads vie to be top of mind for high people: 2023 examples

One point of clear normalization over the last few decades is the types of food ads you might see on 420, leading up to 420, or after 420. These are ads that are targeted towards the general populace, they aren’t behind an age gate and most importantly, they aren’t even for cannabis products. Instead, by and large, they’re about food. Whether it’s items priced at $4.20, a free item with purchase, or something else – the date and the number are unavoidable. While this list is very murrica centric, I’d love to see examples from other countries.

The best 420 ads [2023 edition]

Jack in the Box 420 ad on Reddit

jack has edibles and drinkables jack in the box 420 ad on reddit Here’s an ad I saw while browsing Reddit and seeing someone’s TIL be that there are potatoes in their compost pile. “Jack has edibles and drinkables. Get a LG Pineapple Express Shake for $4.20 & DIY an edible assortment.” The home of the munchies box went hard with this ad and even tapped into reddit cannabis lore with a pineapple reference. I didn’t even click the video but an impression was made.

WingStop 420 ad in email: WingStop Hot Box is here!

The coolest thing since chicken thighs? WingStop had a nice gif in their daily newsletter. Eye catching, and it matched the hazy atmosphere ifyaknamean. the wingstop hot box wingstop 420 mail ad How do they know how I look? Can they see through my camera? BTW, does anyone else see the image moving? Paranoia ensues.

Insomnia Cookies 420 ad via email: Free cookie on 4/20

insomnia cookies 420 ad free cookie with purchase More like insomnomnomnomnia – amirite? Free food on 420 is going to really become a thing.

Ike’s Sandwiches 420 ad via email: Satisfy your Munchies with Ike’s Dutch Crunchies

ike's satisfy your munchies with ike's dutch crunchies I haven’t tried the Dutch Crunchies, but I’ve definitely tried the munchies.

Don’t be surprised to see 420 ads run into Cinco de Higho

It’s a two week holiday, anyways. Ad buys are rarely for a single day, and I honestly enjoy seeing 4/20 ads all through the 4/20s. That’s right, there are people celebrating from 4/20 all the way through til cinderella time on 4/29. Seent any other good 420 ads this year? Please send them my way so I can feature them. I’m sure there were a bunch on Twitter…. right?
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Founder of The Highest Critic
Unpaid /r/trees mod
Certified Ganjier
Kine bud enthusiast

flower mill ad - X grind, yes mill

Caleb Chen

Founder of The Highest Critic Unpaid /r/trees mod Certified Ganjier Kine bud enthusiast

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