Oklahoma’s Best Cannabis isn’t too far from the border in Cartwright, OK
On a recent trip to Oklahoma for The Cowboy Cup, I drove the long way up and made a point to stop by and see Asher Underwood at Oklahoma’s Best Cannabis to see what the inside of an Oklahoma dispensary looked like.
On the drive there, I couldn’t help but think about the first time I bought weed in Oklahoma more than 7 years ago, I waited well over an hour because the plug was slow. Thus was life under The Prohibition.
The dispensary sits at 316 Boat Club Rd, Cartwright, OK 74731. The front half of the store is a hemp and smoking accessories shop with a wide range of items and merch available.
Behind a locked door is a separate storefront for the medical marijuana portion of the store.
ID and MMJ card are checked when you enter the first storefront.
Cool menu display – right?
Oklahoma has been called the new wild wild west of cannabis
Nowadays, medical patients can come to a dispensary like OBC and get their medicine. Things have changed in the land of fried onion burgers – and they’re just going to get better.
Once Oklahomans vote on adult use of cannabis in their state come March 7th, 2023 – it’s more than likely that the state will legalize it. It’s already a relatively simple process for medical marijuana patients from other states to buy medical cannabis in Oklahoma at dispensaries like Cartwright’s OBC. However, once the recreational market is here, Oklahoma’s cannabis tourism industry will really start to take off.
Americans on the seaboard might not get it – but those in the Midwest and South do.
Searching for Oklahoma’s Best Cannabis?
If I can give you one piece of advice when visiting Cartwright from any direction, it would be to take the slight detour and drive over the dam. It’s a damn fine view and worth the extra minute of time every damn time.
Can you buy weed at a drive thru in Oklahoma?
There are no laws against dispensaries having drive-thrus in Oklahoma. So just like people know Texas for being able to buy alcohol without leaving your car. Oklahoma is soon to be known for letting you buy cannabis without leaving your car. Sure the pandemic has made this less of a novelty item but all it took me was one bad experience waiting hours with curb side pick up to make me swear off that failed minimum wage social experiment. Oklahoma’s Best Cannabis happens to be one of the OK dispos with a drive-thru.
The OBC dispensary building is a brilliant use of space and you know what they say: location, location, location. The thing is, there’s also all that land surrounding the dispo. Trust that Asher has plans for events, live music, and maybe even an Oklahoma’s Best Cannabis… competition?
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