CBDCBD StrainsHempHemp FlowersReviews

CBD Strain Review: Electra by Dr. Ganja

🔥 Electra from Dr. GANJA 🔥

Grower: Dr. Ganja

Dr. Ganja Electra CBD Strain Review

This flower is so dank! You can hear this strain from a cross the room, thank god it came double sealed! It is a child of the infamous AC/DC and Early resin berry! It retains the sweetness from the ERB and also has a strong piney smell! This batch comes in at a whopping 19.72% CBD. The effects wash over you with relaxation and you feel the anxiety melt away! I rate this flower a cool 7 out of 10! I’m impressed and I highly recommend you head over to Dr. Ganja and grab yourself a self care package! 😁✌️
🚨For discounts and coupon codes from the top hemp flower companies follow the link in my bio! Enjoy!🚨
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