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Cherry Cheesecake Pre-roll by Sonoma Hills Farm

I want to eat the whole cake. 

Good thing I got this Cherry Cheesecake pre-roll from Mike of Sonoma Hills Farm at the Mendocino Craft Farmer’s Auction. It’s made of sun-grown OCal and Sun+Earth certified flower grown in a unique Sonoma terroir.

Lineage/Genetics: Kimbo Kush x Cookies & Cream

Original Breeder: Gold Seal SF

Grower: Sonoma Hills Farm

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Sonoma Hills Farm Cherry Cheesecake Pre-roll Review

cherry cheesecake pre-roll by sonoma hills farm review by caleb chen 2First thing’s first. Gotta disclose to the reader that cheesecake is my favorite cake. Beats wedding cake, ice cream cake, animal cake, jungle cake, etc any day of the year but especially on my birthday. So as always, take what I say with a huge grain of salt(ed caramel).

The pre-roll had the creaminess and medium to full body smoke without any of the “doughiness” that seems to be the trademark mouthfeel of the latest wave of dessert cultivars. There were final notes of lemon peel spritzed nilla wafer – like a super special crust or oops-I-ate-the-garnish.

The initial light didn’t waste any butane or hemp wick and it didn’t run. This was actually my first time seeing the donut end with about 1mm ring of paper and flower to help the initial light. Wasn’t confident enough in my ability to re-form it, so I didn’t take a dry hit. I’m thinking it would have been fruity, though.

The high was very munchies inducing and quite a body relaxer. This is my serious warning to readers: Don’t light this up if you don’t have food around. Definitely don’t light it up if you’re trying to fast.

As I oft scream from the mountaintops – the best tasting part of the pre-roll should be the last ⅓. The Cherry Cheesecake just got thicker and thicker – losing its lemony zest and gaining body til it almost tasted like smokey sizzurp. 

Great example of sungrown that I highly recommend.

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Founder of The Highest Critic
Unpaid /r/trees mod
Certified Ganjier
Kine bud enthusiast

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Caleb Chen

Founder of The Highest Critic Unpaid /r/trees mod Certified Ganjier Kine bud enthusiast

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