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Cultivar Review: Alaskan Crab Legs by THE TENco (2025)

Alaskan crabs legs 🦀 by @_thetenco @gerry

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Lineage/Genetics: Unknown

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: THE TENco

Terpene Profile/Chemovar: Unknown

Alaskan Crab Legs Cannabis Cultivar (“Strain”) Review

alaskan crab legs by the tenco 2025 strain review by jointswithjalen

Alaskan Crab Legs has a unique aroma—floral, earthy, gassy, and creamy, with a sharp richness and a candy-like sweetness balanced by tropical sour notes. When broken down, it releases a fresh, sweet, and earthy floral scent with a rich depth. The inhale is a mix of floral, earthy, and gassy notes, rich and sweet, while the exhale carries a sharp, creamy gas with earthy tropical undertones.

There’s a subtle oceanic sage-like freshness, a slight funk, and a touch of bitterness that creates a faintly fishy undertone. The joint burned clean, producing white ash and a crisp oil ring. The smoke was thick yet smooth, offering solid lung expansion.The high is uplifting yet relaxing—clear-headed but slightly spacey.

You’ll first feel pressure at the back of your head, like a gentle push, before the effects settle behind your eyes, making them feel low and heavy. Your muscles and nerves begin to relax, leaving you calm yet alert. Even if you’re engaged in something, there’s a carefree undertone that enhances your mood. It’s an ideal strain for midday to nighttime use—perfect for a beach day or winding down at the end of the night. Overall rating: 8.9/10.

alaskan crab legs by the tenco 2025 strain review by jointswithjalen 2

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