Cultivar Review: Animal Style by Gothamgreensnyc
#animalstyle by @gothamgreenssnyc
Lineage – (Han Solo Hash Plant ( G13 Hash plant x TK) x Double Burger š ( Gmo cookies x Donny Burger ( Gmo cookies x Han Solo burger ) )
Original Breeder: Unknown
Grower: Gothamgreensnyc
Terpene Profile: Unknown
@gothamgreenssnyc Animal Style is the exclusive lineage of Han Solo Hash Plant x Double Burger. I had the Donny burger š a while back and Iām interested in to see this combination. The structure resembles Donny Burger/ TK structure. I wasnāt a big fan of the appeal due the light color on the pistils, and nugs werent the most appealing. The scents and aroma comes from the fuel of the G13 and the tree aroma of Hans solo. The palate is earthy, herbal , hash/ seasoned spice flavors . The after taste remind me of eating a well done seasoned burger. The scent is like a zesty, gmo, garlic pine earthy fuel aroma. The effects are a heavy intense high that can last 40 min. The buzz starts around 7-8 pulls, overall high for about 2 hours. The smoking experience was good on the first occasion and elevated to a higher realm on the second sesh. The comatose euphoric high had me stuck. The ashes burned 60/40 more salt than pepper. In conclusion, Animal style has the scent, palate & the effects. I wasnāt a big fan of the the appeal. Though I was high as a kite and it smoke good. Shoutout to @gothamgreenssnyc for letting me review one of their house flowers . Animal style – 3.7/5
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Animal Style Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

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