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Cultivar Review: Big Apple by Walla Packs x The Baked Bodega

Big Apple cultivar #bigapple by @wholelottawalla x @thebakedbodega x @_bakedintraffic

Lineage/Genetics – Apple fritters x Kush Mints

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: Walla Packs x The Baked Bodega

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Big Apple Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

@wholelottawalla x @thebakedbodega once again dropping a new flavor on the walla packs.. I got to review the tasty, powerful wallabeez. Now I get to review the Big Apple 🍎. The parents come from the Apple fritters and the Beloved Kush mints . The scent is a blend of the two but overtaken by the sweetness of the Apple fritter. The scent is floral, sweet Bubbalo bubblegum , sour apple 🍏 Fuel piss aroma. The structure of the flower is compressed dense sticky kola. The trichomes on these nugs show the ripeness and the amber color express the maturity on the cultivar. The palate is earthy, dried apple , terpinolene fuel, spicy caryophyllene terpenes and cookie dough aftertaste. The palate and effects are overtaken by the Kush mints, minimal Apple fritters. The effects are a medium high level cerebral & low body high. I started feeling the buzz half way the joint. At first, it’s terps upon terps tasting followed by a chest locker & 🛋 lock 🔒. The high lasted 2 hours. The smoking experience was a delightful one. The ashes burn more salt then pepper, oil ring on the cherry top. I recommend the big apple 🍎 based on its aroma, beauty, taste & effects. Shoutout to @thebakedbodega @wholelottawalla for this exclusive flower .. Big Apple – 4.7/5
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