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Cultivar Review: Kamikaze Candy by John Doe Supply Co. x Always Faded

Kamikaze Candy πŸ­β›½οΈ by @alwaysfaded

#Joints #element #smokesesh #handrolled #explore #smallbatch

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: John Doe Supply Co x Always Faded

Terpene Profile/Chemovar: Unknown

Kamikaze Candy Cannabis Cultivar (“Strain”) Review

kamikaze candy by john doe supply co x always faded strain review by jointswithjalen

Kamikaze Candy has a sweet, creamy, slightly sour, and gassy aroma, reminiscent of a more citrusy version of Zkittles. When broken down, gassy candy notes become prominent.

The inhale brings gassy, floral notes with sweet candy undertones, while the exhale offers a complex mix of sweet, floral, sour candy, citrus, creamy, and gassy undertones.

As you continue smoking, the flavor evolves, with candy notes becoming more pronounced, especially the candy citrus and creamy aspects. The smoke is smooth yet thick, causing noticeable lung expansion.

The high is euphoric and spacey, initially causing pressure in your head, then a sensation of heaviness behind your eyes. You’ll feel a tingling in your body as it starts to relax, contributing to the overall spacey feeling.

This strain is ideal for midday use, as it can be enjoyed while being productive or even going on a little adventure.

Overall, it earns a rating of 8.4 out of 10.

kamikaze candy by john doe supply co x always faded strain review by jointswithjalen 2

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