Cultivar Review: Lavender #9 by FlowerShop
Lavender #9 from FlowerShop
Lineage/Genetics: Super Skunk, Big Skunk Korean, Afghani Hawaiian
Original Breeder: Unknown
Grower: FlowerShop
Terpene Profile: Unknown
Her numbers are:
THC 31 %
CBD ?%
First off, let me say how much I dislike Cannabis companies that feel they need to upscale their flower with ridiculous amounts of fancy packaging in order to sell their wares, and FlowerShop is guilty of being bamboozled by the packaging sales guys.
This is their lame excuse, “Packaging: Deliberately designed for multi-function and re-usability — custom glass vase can be reused for storage or display — and the silicone lid as an incense burner or ashtray, Exterior box and pulp insert is made from recycled paper and can be placed in recycling bins.”
YO FlowerShop, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, STOP! and think of the environment before your next excessive design session, thank you. Okay, I’m gonna hop off of my soapbox now.
This Lavender #9 from FlowerShop might have smoked okay if it wasn’t already almost a year old when it was delivered from Amuse. Don’t you hate it when you get screwed by your delivery service, I sure do.
The Lineage of Lavender #9 and the fact I’d never smoked this cultivar, is was what originally attracted me to this cut from FlowerShop.
Cracking open the seal to this Lavender #9 was a thoroughly disappointing experience, lacking any terpene punch at all.
The four frosted nuggs of my 1/8 were medium in size and had a tight structure. Colorings were assorted mottled greens and this was kind of weird, only one of the buds had some purps intertwined through-out.
Smoking a fat-assed joint produced a mellow, very sleepy buzz, that had a short substandard duration of only about an hour and a half. My feeling is most of the THC in this Lavender #9 from FlowerShop had already converted to CBN.
So, I’m still looking to try some Lavender and will continue to search for it.
Reach out if you find any, thanks.
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FlowerShop Lavender #9 Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

Educational reviews to help Medical Cannabis patients find their best medicine.
I review Lab-tested Cannabis flowers available in California ☮️ OG