Cultivar Review: Pistachio Runtz by Sattva California
Pistachio Runtz
Package date: 03-29-24
THC content: 36.52%
Sum of Cannabinoids: 36.57%
Original Breeder: Unknown
Grower: Sattva Califronia
Terpene Profile?Chemovar: Unknown
Pistachio Runtz Cannabis Cultivar (“Strain”) Review

Appearance: Now this is some beautifully grown candy! I know the world is saturated is runtz crosses but there’s a reason for that. The bag appeal on this cultivar is just phenomenal. Hues of dark purple and blue contrasting with some flecks of green. Tightly bunched burnt orange pistils and a blanket of thick resin glands. The glands on this strain are so large even with the naked eye they look like little clumps of resinous hail. I’m a big fan of PBB and I can definitely see its influence in the cross. Most of the nugs were smhediums with a few larger tops. The smalls had better resin coverage in my opinion but it’s all frostier than the slopes of heavenly. ⛷️
Aroma: This is hands down my favorite nose on a runtz cross to date. And I’ve had a lot of them! It’s very PBB forward.
The first crack of the jar your met with pungent savory peanut butter gas! Underneath the peanut butter is some strong Z terps that are just straight up mouth watering. It’s almost has a creamy hazelnut type of finish to it. I even smell a little bit of skunk in there! Not a whole lot but enough to make me remember the flower of my younger years. Not all candy strains are created equally especially with the pungency of the terps but this one is way up there in my book.
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Flavor: On the inhale, it is straight up savory gas just like the nose. It coats the back of the tongue with those creamy Z flavors I was telling you about. There’s a layer of citrus, grapefruit, and even some Keylime in there. For the most part, it’s a savory full bodied smoke, but you definitely do get those creamy fruity hints there a little bit. It smokes just beautifully, almost like inhaling flavored air. The Ash is pretty solid white and stacks well. The thing I like the most about this one is the flavor has longevity. You still taste it, just as strong on the last inhale as you do the first. I tried it in paper and glass, and it was just as strong out of both. The glass I used wasn’t sparkling-clean and even with that being a factor it just tasted amazing. Super impressed on the terps with this one.
Effect: This one is kind of an eye drooper. NGL After smoking a decent sized roll of this all I want to do is sit and relax. There’s some munchies to it but I’m more tired than I am hungry. I feel like this could induce a midday nap if you had the inclination. It quiets the mind while also relaxing your muscles in a way that you just feel like you’re kind of melting into whatever you’re sitting in. Definitely a good cultivar to watch a movie with of you can overcome to the initial sedative effects.
Overall: I really just love this strain. I was a big fan of Clout Kings peanut butter
Cup when they still ran it and this reminds me a lot of it in the nose and flavor. Definitely not your average Runtz. Sattva has been putting out a steady stream of bangers this year and I’ve loved all that I’ve tried so far. Keep up the good work you guys. 🤙

Judah Terpson
Lover of all things green & fragrant. Reviews connoisseur cannabis products. Picture shown are hemp and NFSOT. Everything for the love of the plant.🌱🌞